Home / Glossary / English-0

English-0 representations are simple natural language expressions of facts or rules to be represented in Cyc.

The process of generating English-0 representations typically involves writing a list of 20-50 questions, in simple English, that Cyc should be able to answer after the knowledge has been represented in CycL. Answers to these questions will help drive the facts and rules that should be represented in English-0.

For example, if we were teaching Cyc about horse racing, we might first come up with some questions about horse racing that we think Cyc should be able to answer:

1. What kind of thing is horse racing?
2. What are the essential roleplayers in horse racing?
3. What kind of equipment is used for horse racing?
4. What are some types of horse racing events?
5. Where does horse racing occur?
6. Who are some famous racehorses?
7. What are some famous horse races?

The answers to these questions can be our first English-0 statements, and can drive further English-0 representations.

1. Horse racing is a type of sport.
2. Horse racing involves racehorses.
3. Saddles are typically required for horse racing.
4. Flat jumping is a type of horse racing.
5. Some horse racing events take place on a turf track.
6. Secretariat was a famous racehorse.
7. The Kentucky Derby is a horse race that occurs every year in May in Lexington, Kentucky.

After the English-0 has been generated, OEs can convert it to the appropriate CycL representation.

See also the training module on query-driven ontology.