Media & Events

Doug Lenat on the Lex Fridman Podcast

Join Doug Lenat in this 3-hour episode of the Lex Fridman Podcast…

AAAI 2022 Spring Symposium

Doug Lenat co-organized and talked at the AAAI 2022 Spring Symposium….

Doug Lenat Speaks at GOTO Chicago 2019

Are you still wondering what Artificial Intelligence is and if it can actually be applied in real life? Join the …

Seeking Artificial Common Sense

IMAGE CREDIT: Phonlamai Photo Although artificial intelligence (AI) has made great strides in recent years, it still struggles to provide …

AAAI 2021 Spring Symposia

Doug Lenat was pleased to co-organize the 2021
Spring AAAI symposia …

Brains Behind AI Podcast Episode 5 With Doug Lenat

About this Episode IMAGE CREDIT: Brains Behind AI host Ari Yacobi interviews Dr. Doug Lenat, Cycorp CEO, for new …

Doug Lenat Gave Keynote at GOTO Copenhagen 2019

Watch Cycorp founder and CEO Doug Lenat deliver his keynote at GOTO Copenhagen 2019 …

Doug Lenat Speaks on “The IQ of AI” at Futuras in Res in Berlin

How can AI arrive at conclusions in a sensible, reasonable and understandable way? Where are the advantages and pitfalls of …

Doug Lenat Gave Keynote at GOTO Copenhagen 2019

Cycorp’s founder and CEO, Doug Lenat, delivered the keynote presentation, “The Promise and Limits of AI,” at GOTO Copenhagen 2019 …

Doug Lenat Coordinated AAAI Spring Symposium in March 2020

Cycorp CEO Doug Lenat coordinated the AAAI Spring Spring Symposium at Stanford University held on March 23-25, 2020 on Combining Machine …

What AI Can Learn From Romeo & Juliet

When someone talks about “AI”, today, they are referring to one particular type of AI: multi-layer neural nets trained on …

Voices in AI – Episode 89: A Conversation with Doug Lenat

About this Episode IMAGE CREDIT: Episode 89 of Voices in AI features Byron speaking with Cycorp CEO Douglas Lenat …

Doug Lenat Gave Keynote at GOTO Chicago 2019

Dr. Doug Lenat presented a keynote address at GOTO Chicago 2019 titled “The Promise and Limitations of AI”. Almost everyone …

Not Good As Gold: Today’s AI’s Are Dangerously Lacking In AU (Artificial Understanding)

We would not be comfortable giving a severely neurologically-impaired person — say someone with no functioning left brain hemisphere — …

Cycorp Powering Next-Generation Healthcare Solutions

Cyc powers a groundbreaking advanced AI medical platform capable of prescribing significantly more effective care pathways and at much lower …

Ain’t Nuthin’ So Non-Common As Common Sense

Actually, to use common sense, the title of this article should be in the words of renowned architect, Frank Lloyd …

A 30-Year-Old AI Engine Finally Meets the Real World

If the story of Cyc were written by Aesop, it would probably read something like The Tortoise and the Hare.  The …

Doug Lenat Co-Chaired AAAI Symposium on Combining Machine Learning With Knowledge Engineering

Dr. Doug Lenat co-chaired a workshop at the Stanford Spring Symposium in March 2019. The workshop, which took place at …

How Far Are We From Strong AI? A Conversation with Marvin Minsky

Photo Credit: Amy Sussman. 2008 Getty Images. Doug Lenat and Gary Marcus discuss AI developments with legendary AI pioneer Marvin …

Looking Towards the Horizon

Photo credit: William Widner The most idiosyncratic researcher in the field of Artificial Intelligence works without a break on a …

ConnectBot and Cyc at SXSW Interactive 2018

ConnectBot Delivers on the Promise of Personalization at SXSW Interactive. Watch Connectbot in action here. Wondering how to make the …

Cycorp Game Utilizes Artificial Intelligence to Teach Math

The artificial intelligence platform developed by Cycorp has been incorporated into applications related to healthcare, pharmaceutics, finance, energy, semiconductor manufacturing, …

Sometimes the Veneer of Intelligence Is Not Enough

We all chafe against the brittleness of SIRI, Alexa, Google…every day. They’re so incredibly useful and yet so incredibly…well, stupid, …

Doug Lenat Presented “50 Shades of Understanding: Why the Veneer of Intelligence is Not Enough” at SmartData 2017

Almost everyone who talks about AI, nowadays, means neural net-based machine learning from big data. That fast pattern-finding and -using …

Dr. Doug Lenat Awarded 2016 Fellowship With Cognitive Science Society

Congratulations to Dr. Doug Lenat for being awarded a 2016 Fellowship with the Cognitive Science Society. This is a high …

One Genius’ Lonely Crusade to Teach a Computer Common Sense

OVER JULY 4TH weekend in 1981, several hundred game nerds gathered at a banquet hall in San Mateo, California. Personal …

An AI with 30 Years’ Worth of Knowledge Finally Goes to Work

An effort to encode the world’s knowledge in a huge database has sometimes seemed impractical, but those behind the technology …

Artificial Intelligence Tool Taps Power of Both Sides of Brain

Seeking to enhance oil and gas productivity, efficiency and safety, oil and gas companies have been exploring how to use …

WWTS (What Would Turing Say?)

Turing’s Imitation Game was a brilliant early proposed test of machine intelligence — one that is still compelling today, despite …

Carnegie Mellon University’s Distinguished Speaker Series Hosts Doug Lenat

Doug Lenat presents “50 Shades of Symbolic Representation and Reasoning” to CMU students and faculty. Watch Dr. Lenat’s presentation here …

Treating Computers like toddlers: How Austin engineers are on the cusp of the artificial intelligence revolution

Doug Lenat’s Cyc computing engine relies on a vast database of logical rules to help AI make connections between problems …

Computers With Common Sense: TEDx Talks

We’re submerged in an ocean of flashy, highly-visible technology today. When real AI arrives, it will fade into the background …

AI State of the Union – SWSX 2015

Doug Lenat, Nova Spivak, and Fred Brown had a panel discussion, moderated by Doug Freeman, on the AI “State of …

Doug Lenat Speaks at Google

Doug Lenat gives an invited talk at Google entitled “Truths that Aren’t (or: What is Google’s Blind Spot?) A lot …

Doug Lenat and Michael Whitbrock Speak at Stanford AI Symposium

Doug Lenat and Michael Witbrock gave a talk at the 2015 Stanford Spring AI Symposium, entitled “50 Shades of Symbolic …

Beyond the Turing Test

Dr. Doug Lenat speaks at the 29th Annual AAAI Conference. The Twenty-Ninth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-15) was held …

Who’s Doing Common-Sense Reasoning and Why it Matters

Imagine for a moment that you run into a friend on the street after you return from a vacation in …

The Most Ambitious Artificial Intelligence Project in the World Has Been Operating in Secrecy for 30 Years

“We’ve been keeping a very low profile, mostly intentionally,” said Doug Lenat, president and CEO of Cycorp. “No outside investments, …

Cycorp’s Dr. Doug Lenat and TTI Vanguard Hosted Three-Day “Reprogramming Programming” Event

Software has put the information revolution in the hands of billions of people. And yet, we continue to misunderstand programming …

Dr. Doug Lenat Presents “Creativity vs. Common Sense” at USC’s Institute for Creative Technologies

The pursuit of Artificial Intelligence—from robotics to natural language processing to automated learning—has been held back by the “brittleness bottleneck” …

The Cost of Common Sense

Ask most companies how they bring value to the market and they’ll point to their products. Cycorp is a bit …

Cyc in Use

A top-secret military command, which asked not to be identified, is pickier than most organizations about information security. And it’s …

Wise Up, Dumb Machine

Be honest: how many times in the last week did you want to slap your mulish computer upside the monitor? …

The Psyche Behind Cyc

Popular culture has long held strong opinions about what the world’s smartest machine should look like. There’s the unblinking red …

The Brain Behind Cyc

Scientist Doug Lenat Discusses Artificial Intelligence At first glance, Cycorp CEO Doug Lenat might be mistaken for a late-Nineties version …

A Common Sense Product

Academics have debated the future of few companies as vigorously, or emotionally, as that of Austin-based Cycorp Inc. The company …

Happy Birthday, HAL

The HAL 9000 computer – an artificial intelligence that could think, talk, see, feel, and occasionally go berserk – was …