Glossary Category:

Canonicalization subsystem

The canonicalization subsystem is sometimes referred to as “the Canonicalizer” (as is the canonicalizer proper). Taken as a whole, the canonicalization subsystem provides the language-level support for CycL. It primarily implements the conversion from EL...


Canonicalizer may refer to: The Canonicalizer proper The Canonicalization Subsystem, consisting of the Canonicalizer proper, the WFF Checker, the Simplifier, and other modules.

Canonicalizer proper

The Canonicalizer proper is the main part of the Canonicalization subsystem: the part of the Cyc system that takes in EL expressions and converts them to HL expressions. Two different, but logically equivalent, CycL sentences are transformed into the same HL sentence...


In CycL, collections are used to talk about general concepts rather than individual things. For example, in Cyc, #$Dog is the collection that contains all dogs. (In contrast, #$Snoopy is a particular dog, i.e. an instance of the collection #$Dog.) Collections are like...