Glossary Category:

Asserted argument

An asserted argument is one of two types of arguments that can be used to justify the truth or falsity of an assertion in Cyc; the other kind of support is a deduction. An asserted argument records which user or application stated the assertion and when.

Asserted-argument assertion

An asserted-argument assertion is an assertion which is input directly by a Cyclist or application program, and thus has an asserted argument. This is in contrast to deduced assertions, which are added as a result of inference within Cyc. Those categories of...


Assertions in the Cyc KB are similar to sentences stating facts and principles in a natural language such as English. However, each assertion has one intended meaning, and makes its context explicit. An assertion has several parts, including: a CycL sentence a Truth...

Atomic formula

An atomic formula is an expression in CycL of the following form: a list with opening and closing parentheses such that the first element of the list is a CycL predicate, and the remaining elements are the arguments to the predicate. Atomic formulas use no logical...

Atomic term

An atomic term, represented in the Cyc Knowledge Base by #$CycLAtomicTerm, is a denotational term that cannot be composed of other terms. Constants (e.g., #$Dog), variables (e.g., ?X), and SubL atomic terms are all atomic terms. Denotational terms that are not atomic...